Thursday, October 15, 2009

Excitement Around Here

The past two months we have been working on remodeling our kitchen.  It is looking so great.  I can't wait for it to be completely finished.  Here is a before shot of the cabinets, counter top and appliances.

Now here is a pic of my new counter top and cabinets.


It is so much prettier.  I love it!  We still have to replace the floor and get a new table set. 

James and I like to include the girls in what we do when that is possible.  They obviously could not help put in the cabinets and appliances, even though they wanted too.  So to let them be involved we purchased three canvases and paint.  Here is my artwork for the kitchen.

Lulu's is first, then Monkey's, and then James/Lil's.  They did a great job.

And here are my girls for their first day of co-op.  We are having a great year so far!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Need More Hours in a Day

Life has been moving full speed ahead for us the past few months.  I am wondering when it will slow down a little.  I have all these great intentions of posting about our school days, special events we are participating in, and all the funnies that occur each day.  Then I look up and it is time to go to bed.

Our plate is overflowing as a family right now.  Back in August our church launched a new Saturday night service.  James and I both joined the ministry team.  He is on the worship team and I am directing the children's ministry for Saturday night.  We both also teach class on Wednesday night at church.  James started a Bible study for the men back in the summer.  They meet twice a month.  The ladies started meeting twice a month also.  The girls and I have really enjoyed this.  We all, minus Lil, know how to knit and crochet now.  Co-op started back in September.  I am on the board this year and coordinating the Teacher's Lounge each week.  Add school each day, chores, work... the plate is overflowing!

So that is why the blog is suffering.  I do intend to get back at it though.  Lulu wants to get her blog going again too.  We changed the background and some other things a few weeks ago.  She posted a story she wrote for her writing curriculum.  She has another story ready to post when we get a chance.  You can read her story here.

Lulu and Monkey have their first JBQ match of the season tomorrow morning.  They are excited about quizzing.  Lulu is in A league this year.  That means her age group will quiz on 10 point, 20 point, and 30 point questions.  Monkey is still in B league.  They quiz on 10 point and 20 point questions.  Lil spectates :)  I was asked if Lil would want to quiz on C league, even though she is four.  I just don't think she is ready to sit quietly at the table and only buzz when she knows the answer.  Too much energy still bottled up inside her.

Our plate is full, but we would not have it any other way.  We stay busy, but it is all things we do together as a family (for the most part).  James is not off doing his own thing, me off doing mine, and the girls in different directions.  We are together.  And what God has called us to do, He will give us the grace we need to accomplish it.